Dear NBC,
What the fuck is wrong with you? It's 2009. When Andy "everything bad about the USA" Roddick and Andy "posterboy for UK dental care" Murray are playing in the Wimbledon semifinals on the day that everyone in the US has off to celebrate our thrashing of the Redcoats in the memorable '76 season--which is to say, probably the only tennis event of the year (decade?) that will be of any interest to most of us--YOU DO NOT NOT SHOW THE MATCH LIVE. You just don't do that.
Tape delay might have been, like, acceptable for the 1980 Olympics or something, back when "securitized" mortgages meant home loans protected by the A-Team and there was no internet. In the world we actually live in, however, you can't get in an elevator or buy a cup of coffee or check the result of a major tennis match on espn.com without seeing the results of a major tennis match.
I hate you, NBC.
Dork 1
PS Can we also do something about the intro to Sunday Night Football? Seriously, could you just not find anyone to look more uncomfortable than Faith Hill "dancing" while she lip-synchs that vaguely-"Dream On"-ish-rip-off?
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